Wednesday, August 16, 2000

Changing Jobs In Taiwan

One of the things that kept me at Hess for so long was the fear that I might not be granted another work visa if I changed jobs or that I would have to leave the country and do a visa run (which I really didn't have the money for.) There were rumors that Hess has sway with the government and if you piss them off they might make it hard for you to get a new visa. I finally worked up the courage to get a new job. My old ARC would be canceled 10 days after I quit working for Hess- it was my understanding that if I didn't leave the country within those 10 days and apply for a visitors visa, I would be deported and have to stay out of Taiwan for two years. In the hopes that I wouldn't have to make a visa run I went to the foreign employment office (? can't remember what it's called but I think every county has one) and took all of my new work documents with me, along with my old arc and everything. I wore nice clothes and really tried to make a good impression. I was so nervous that they would deny me.
They barely even looked at me. I filled out a visa extension form and then it was just stamp, stamp stamp, okay, you have 30 days. I timidly asked what would happen if my new work visa wasn't processed in 30 days. They said it probably would be and if it wasn't, they'd just give me another 30 day extension.
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigghhhhhhhhhh! And this is what I'd been afraid of the whole time! It was a piece of cake.
maybe other people have had different experiences, but I would say you don't have to be afraid of changing jobs in Taiwan. The government seems to be pretty chill about it.


  1. Hey I was just checking around your blog because I have been wanting to teach english overseas for a while. Can you tell me what you doing now, your new job, I'm really curious what it is and how you found it and why specifically you feel it's a much better situation?


  2. I'm working at a school teaching adults- I've been at this job since I left Hess (1 year) and gratefully, happily, ecstatically signed a contract for my second year.
    My new job is in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY better than Hess.
    1.) I have never met my current manager face to face. We've talked on the phone five times, maybe. My new company has a sort of sink or swim system. All I need to do is make sure my students benefit from my class at this job.
    Hess has a million different things that they judge you on, you have to teach the way they tell you to even if it doesn't fit with your students, and at Hess your damn manager (or managers, because you'll have several) are on your fucking back about every little naggy detail.
    If my students are happy, my manager at my new job leaves me alone. I love it, and it works for me, because I'm a good teacher (just tonight, for example, a student who's been in my class for a week approached me at the end of class, gave me a gift and told me that she loves seeing a foreigner who cares about her students.)
    At Hess I felt like I was a terrible teacher, in part because my managers were always on my ass about something.
    2. I love children and loved my students at Hess, but I like teaching adults better- they're more self-directed and are intrinsically motivated.
    3. I'm not required to spend non-paid hours preparing stuff for my classes or going to promotion events. I do often socialize with my students though, and I do plan stuff for them because I want them to learn a lot and I often have ideas for how to improve a class.

    How I got the job- a friend of mine was quitting and recommended me. He got the job just by walking in the door. There is basically a waiting list to work at my place cause it rocks though ;)
    Best of luck- sometimes it just takes time to find the right situation, but almost any situation seems to be better than Hess. My friend (shannon, who I called Melissa before she said it was fine to use her real name) and I still get together and rant about how horrible hess was, a year after the fact. She loves her new job (which is kindy and buxiban, just like hess) way more too. Just come over and negotiate your own contract.
    sorry this is a bit wordy (as is the whole blog), I'm freaking exhausted (but not from my job HAHAHAHA! I love my life now)

  3. Hi,
    I've just read your entire blog and find it very enlightening (and well written, kudos). My boyfriend, Scott, and I are currently in negotiation/paperwork status with HESS, but I've been looking over this contract and have had suspicions (hour related) of the type you've been talking about. Anyway, we're still going to Taiwan at the end of July, but we haven't really nailed anything down concretely with HESS yet. I could really use some advice. Could you email me at ? I don't want to sign this contract in blood or anything, but I'm also worried about just showing up without a job. I would really like to talk to someone who has a little experience. Thanks
